
07KT98 GJR5253100R3160 Basic Module Ethernet


07KT98 GJR5253100R3160 Ethernet developed rapidly, evolving from the typical Ethernet architecture of a single long cable. The problems with single cables, such as finding the location of breaks or loosens, have led to the development of a different type of wiring pattern. In this model, each station has a dedicated wire connected to a central hub. The hub simply electrically connects all the connecting wires, as if they were welded together. Hubs cannot add capacity because they are logically equivalent to the classic 07KT98 GJR5253100R3160 Ethernet of a single cable. As more stations join, the share of fixed capacity each station receives decreases. Eventually, the LAN will become saturated

Category: SKU: 07KT98 GJR5253100R3160


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