3HAC14549-312A ABB Output module

Country of Origin :Ireland (IE)
Invoice description :Rectifier
Minimum order quantity :1 piece
Sales measurement unit :piece
Order multiple :1 piece
Offer only :No
Build to order :No
Customs Tariff number :85044095
Component type :New
WEEE Category :Product Not in WEEE Scope



Country of Origin :Ireland (IE)
Invoice description :Rectifier
Minimum order quantity :1 piece
Sales measurement unit :piece
Order multiple :1 piece
Offer only :No
Build to order :No
Customs Tariff number :85044095
Component type :New
WEEE Category :Product Not in WEEE Scope


The output module is divided into transistor, bidirectional thyristor and contact type. The transistor type switching speed is the fastest (generally 0.2ms), but the load capacity is the smallest, about 0.2-0.3A, 24VDC, suitable for fast switching, signal contact equipment, generally connected with frequency conversion, DC devices and other signals, should pay attention to the influence of transistor leakage current on the load.

Thyristor type has the advantages of no contact, AC load characteristics, and little load capacity.

The relay output has the characteristics of AC and DC load, and the load capacity is large. In conventional control, the relay contact type output is generally selected first, and the disadvantage is that the switching speed is slow, generally about 10ms, which is not suitable for high-frequency switching applications.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto: sales@xiongbagk.cn
➱ Skype/WeChat: 18059884797
➱ phone/Whatsapp: + 86 18059884797
➱ QQ: 3095989363
➱ Website:www.sauldcs.com