
FM9925A-E HIEE45116R000 Circuit board module | XIONGBA Industrial Control


FM9925A-E In the circuit board, no matter what type of circuit board is basically by: power supply circuit, input interface circuit, microprocessor control circuit, output interface circuit, display circuit, protection circuit and communication circuit, etc. 7 most of the circuit composition. As long as we master the seven types of circuit structure and control principle, know the structure of each type of circuit characteristics and key components, can judge in the circuit board each part of the circuit belongs to that type of circuit, familiar with the fault law and characteristics of each type of circuit, we can for various types of circuit board maintenance.

FM9925A-E HIEE45116R000 circuit module FM9925A-E power supply circuit: The power supply circuit is a part of the circuit that provides energy to each unit circuit in the whole circuit board. It works in the high voltage, high current environment, is the most prone to failure of a part of the circuit.

The function of the power supply circuit is to convert 220VAC or 380VAC AC into various levels of DC with constant output voltage of ±5V, 12V, 15V, 18V and 24V required by the circuit board.

Category: SKU: FM9925A-E


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