
PDD205A1121 3BHE025335R1121 Central processing unit


PDD205A1121 3BHE025335R1121 centralized processing mode of operation, is based on the implementation of specific program instructions, in order to meet the needs of computer users, PDD205A1121 3BHE025335R1121 in the operation process can be selected according to the actual situation, Meet the data flow requirements of users. Command control technology plays an important role. According to the user needs to formulate the operation mode, so that the orderly development of data command action is well maintained. PDD205A1121 3BHE025335R1121 In the execution, the implementation of the program instructions is completed in accordance with the smooth, only make it follow a certain order, to ensure the use of the computer effect. PDD205A1121 3BHE025335R1121 is mainly to expand the automatic processing of data set, which is the key to achieve centralized control, its core is the instruction control operation.

Category: SKU: PDD205A1121


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