
UFC911B108 3BHE037864R0108 Circuit board module | xiongba supply Chain


UFC911B108 3BHE037864R0108 Circuit board according to the number of layers to be divided into single panel, double panel, and multilayer circuit board three large classification.
UFC911B108 3BHE037864R0108 is a single panel first. On the most basic PCB, the parts are concentrated on one side and the wires on the other. This type of PCB is called a single-sided circuit board because the wires appear on only one side. Single panels are usually simple and inexpensive to make, but the disadvantage is that they cannot be used on complex products.
UFC911B108 3BHE037864R0108 Dual panel is an extension of the single panel. When single-layer wiring does not meet the needs of electronic products, dual panel is used. Both sides are covered with copper and have a route, and the line between the two layers can be guided through the hole, so that it forms the required network connection.
UFC911B108 3BHE037864R0108 Multilayer board refers to a printed board having more than three layers of conductive graphics layers and insulating materials between them, and the conductive graphics between them are interconnected according to requirements. Multilayer circuit board is electronic information technology to high speed, multi-function, large capacity, small volume, thin, lightweight direction of development products.
According to the characteristics of the circuit board to be divided into soft board (FPC), hard board (PCB), soft and hard combined board (FPCB).

Category: SKU: UFC911B108


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