
VBS01-EPD ABB Ext. Pwr Inputs


Product ID:VBS01-EPD
ABB Type Designation:VBS01-EPD
Catalog Description:Vert. Base, Single, Ext. Pwr Inputs
Long Description:Vertical column mount Base for Single module, Externally powered from the field device, System powered for AO, 2×8 signal terminals, Requires 2×16-pin 5mm pluggable connector. Use with AI01, AI02, AI05, AO01, AO02, AO05, DI01, DI02, DI03, DI04, DO01, DO02, PI01, AD01, AD02
Product Net Depth / Length:270 mm
Product Net Height:130 mm
Product Net Width:140 mm
Product Net Weight:0.2 kg

Category: SKU: VBS01-EPD


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