
330180-X1-00 3300 XL preprocessor sensor


Manufacturer: Bentley, Nevada
Product number :330180-X1-00
Product model :145655-05 3300 XL presensor
Made in the USA
Agent approval option :00 = Not required



Manufacturer: Bentley, Nevada
Product number :330180-X1-00
Product model :145655-05 3300 XL presensor
Made in the USA
Agent approval option :00 = Not required


Xiamen Xiongba focuses on control systems from traditional to cutting-edge.
We have a large inventory of quality, excess control system parts.
We also distribute many new hardware and software products to help support your existing control systems or take advantage of the latest control technologies.
We have experienced staff, extensive testing facilities and we can provide a 1 year warranty on all spare parts.


1756L55M24 GE 12TBB11B43 3305-05080404 EXC900M-02
1756-L55M23 GE 12STV11A2A P 330709-000-080-10-02-00
1756-L55M22 GE 12STV11A1A 330709-000-060-10-02-00
1756-L55M16 GE 12STD15C5A 330730-040-00-00

Please contact Sunny for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto:
➱ Skype/WeChat: 18059884797
➱ phone/Whatsapp: + 86 18059884797
➱ QQ: 3095989363