
3500/62-05-00 Process Variable Monitor 3500/62


The 3500/62 Process Variable Monitor is a 6-channel monitor for continuous monitoring of key parameters of machining machine tools such as pressure, flow, temperature and level. The display accepts +4 to +20 mA current input or any proportional voltage between -10 input Vdc and +10 Vdc. It adjusts these signals and compares conditional signals to user programmable alarm anchor points.
3500/62 display:
l Continuously compare monitoring parameters to drive alarm mechanical protection based on the configured alarm Settings.
l Provide basic machine information operation and maintenance personnel for both parties.
You can perform current or voltage measurements using 3500 rack programming 3500/62 configuration software. The 3500/62 offers three I/O module signal input scenarios :+/-10 volt DC, isolation 4-20 mA, or 4-20 mah intrinsic-secure Zener barrier. Internal barrier I/O Supply External power input terminals provide intrinsic safety power supply 4-20 mA sensors When configured for three-mode redundancy (TMR), process variable monitors must be installed adjacent to each other in groups of three. When configured for use here, the monitor uses two voting methods to ensure accurate operation and avoid mechanical loss and single point of failure protection.

Category: SKU: 3500/62-05-00


Function description:

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