DS200SDCIG2AEB GE Electrostatic sensitive device

Manufacturer GE General Electric
Series Mark V
Part Number DS200SDCIG2AEB
Product Type SDCI DC Power Supply and Instrumentation Board
Instruction Manual GEI-100173



Manufacturer GE General Electric
Series Mark V
Part Number DS200SDCIG2AEB
Product Type SDCI DC Power Supply and Instrumentation Board
Instruction Manual GEI-100173
The GE DC Power Supply and Instrumentation Board DS200SDCIG2AEB serves as an interface to DC2000 drives. The DS200SDCIG2AEB is a static-sensitive device and care must be taken when touching, maintaining, and installing the device. Static electricity can accumulate on the board through the air, persons touching the device, and when the device comes in contact with other device and structures. The static electricity can damage sensitive components on the board and lead the board to being unuseable.

If you plan to maintain the board, place the board on a flat clean surface and wear a grounding strap before touching the board. The grounding strap will prevent static electricity from accumulating.

Walking and touching items can cause static electricity to accumulate so it is best practice to not move too much before you work with the board. When you do handle the board only hold it by the edges and never touch the solder points or the components. Just before you are ready to install it remove it from the package and touch it to a unpainted metal surface to drain off any static. Only then is it safe to install the replacement board.

If you have to put down the board after removing it from the bag, only place it on top of the empty static-protective bag.

The capacitors on the DS200SDCIG2AEB can store high-voltage current even after the current is removed, so it is important to test the board for current before you touch it, so as to prevent electrical burns and shocks.

Frequently Asked Questions about DS200SDCIG2AEB
Which manual is used with DS200SDCIG2AEB?
The manual used with DS200SDCIG2AEB is the GE Drive Systems Replacement Procedures for SDCI DC Power Supply and Instrumentation Board Manual. Although this manual is a manual based on replacing DS200SDCIG2AEB with another DS200SDCIG2AEB board, the manual provides additional information to help you understand DS200SDCIG2AEB.
What is the JP2 jumper used for on DS200SDCIG2AEB?
The JP2 jumper on DS200SDCIG2AEB is the MA AC contactor drop-out time jumper for DS200SDCIG2AEB. Generally, this circuit on DS200SDCIG2AEB delays opening of the AC contactor to ensure all load current has been extinguished on DS200SDCIG2AEB. Removing jumper JP2 on DS200SDCIG2AEB during normal running can cause the control-on circuit to drop out the MA relay before the current is at 0.
What does DS200SDCIG2AEB do?
DS200SDCIG2AEB provides logic power and interface circuitry for DC2000 drives with input voltages up to 600 VAC.
Where can I find a layout of DS200SDCIG2AEB?
In the manual for DS200SDCIG2AEB, Manual GEI-100173, you’ll find a diagram of a layout of a DS200SDCIG2AEB board. The diagram in the manual lays out DS200SDCIG2AEB and identifies the fuses, jumpers, etc. on DS200SDCIG2AEB.

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