DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A GE Turbine control system

Manufacturer GE General Electric
Series Mark V
Part Number DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A
Product Type KLDCG1 & FW



Manufacturer GE General Electric
Series Mark V
Part Number DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A
Product Type KLDCG1 & FW

The DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A is a PC Board created by General Electric for its Speedtronic Mark V turbine control systems.

The DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A is a large printed circuit board. It weighs roughly 1.07 lbs.

There are many components that make up the DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A. There are factory drilled holes on the corners and in the center of the sides of the board. The holes can be used to help mount the board. On the top side of the board is a small yellow capacitor and a larger yellow capacitor. There are twenty-one inseparable assemblies that make up the majority of the top of the board. There are six integrated circuits on the top half of the board, three yellow resistor networks, and two additional yellow capacitors. There are a total of 32 white display lamps on in the middle and bottom half of this board. There is an induction coil on the right-center side of the board that has a transistor on its left and right side. On the bottom half of the board are twelve integrated circuits with two EPROMS. There are also nineteen yellow resistor networks on the bottom half of the board. There are six large resistors and many diodes on the bottom half of this board. There are three relays on the bottom of the board and a 40-pin male connector.


Because of the integrated circuitry of the DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A, antistatic procedures should be maintained and antistatic wristbands should be worn while handling this board. For more information about the DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A, please consult the application sheets and product manuals from GE.

Frequently Asked Questions about DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A
How many LEDs does DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A have?
DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A has 32 LEDs. Each LED on DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A is identified with DS1-DS32.
How many pins is the 3PL connection strip on DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A?
The 3PL connection strip on DS215KLDCG1AZZ03A is a 40-pin connector.

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