Hima-F7553 Processor module

Manufacturer :HIMA
Processor module
Product Code :F7553 Product Type: Coupling Module Assembly Kit B 9302 with watchdog signal off for PES H51 Space requirements :4 TE operating data 5 V DC:600 mA operating data 24 volt DC:750 mA Shipping Weight :2 kg



Manufacturer :HIMA
Processor module
Product Code :F7553 Product Type: Coupling Module Assembly Kit B 9302 with watchdog signal off for PES H5

1 Space requirements :4 TE operating data 5 V DC:600 mA operating data 24 volt DC:750 mA Shipping Weight :2 kg
Line control is used to detect short or open circuits and can be configured for remote /0, for example, emergency stop

input in accordance with Cat, 4 According to EN 954-1, remote //0 causes the pulse output to pulse to detect the digital

input (short and open circuits on DI,

for this purpose, please face this value. 1BOOL-% 3E system variable in si worxDOOX, ELOP Plant 2 value system sig

nal. The variables of the pulse output must start with channel 1 and follow one by one in direct order, if the following fault

s occur, the LED located on the front panel of the controller flashes, the input is set to low, and an error code of what is e

valuated is generated: a cross circuit between two parallel lines, an incorrect connection of two lines (e.g., to 2 to D1 3), a

n error code of what is evaluated. A line is grounded (only grounded), open or open contact, including when one of the two

emergency stop switches above has been engaged, so the LED flashes and generates an error code. For more information

on how to configure line control in a user program, refer to the HIMatrix Engineering Manual HI 800 101 E

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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