A800 PCIE single card NVIDIA

The NVIDIA DGX A800 is not just a server, but a complete hardware and software platform. It builds on the accumulated knowledge and experience of NVIDIA DGX SATURNV, the world’s largest DGX cluster, supported by thousands of NVIDIA DGXpert. DGXpert is a team of AI practitioners who have accumulated a wealth of expertise and experience over the past decade to help you maximize the value of your DGX investment. DGXpert helps ensure critical applications get up and running quickly, dramatically reducing the time to gain insights.



Universal System for All AI workloads NVIDIA DGX™ A800 is a universal system for all AI workloads, including analysis, training, and inference. The DGX A800 sets a new standard for compute density, not only packaging 5 Petaflop AI performance in a 6U form factor, but also replacing traditional compute infrastructure with a single unified system. In addition, the DGX A800 enables the fine distribution of powerful computing power for the first time. With the multi-instance GPU (MIG) feature in NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core Gpus, administrators can allocate resources of the right size for a specific workload. With up to 640GB of total GPU memory, the DGX A800 can improve the performance of large-scale training jobs by up to three times, and double the size of MIG instances, so that it can handle large and complex tasks as well as small and easy tasks. The DGX A800 runs the DGX software stack with integrated NVIDIA NGC™ optimization software, combining intensive computing power with full workload flexibility. This makes it ideal for single-node deployments and large Slurm and Kubernetes clusters deployed using NVIDIA Bright Cluster Manager.

A800 PCIE single card NVIDIA




The NVIDIA DGX A800 is not just a server, but a complete hardware and software platform. It builds on the accumulated knowledge and experience of NVIDIA DGX SATURNV, the world’s largest DGX cluster, supported by thousands of NVIDIA DGXpert. DGXpert is a team of AI practitioners who have accumulated a wealth of expertise and experience over the past decade to help you maximize the value of your DGX investment. DGXpert helps ensure critical applications get up and running quickly, dramatically reducing the time to gain insights.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
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