
Pacific Sc​​ientific 105-070005-01 printed circuit board unit


105-070005-01 is a printed circuit board unit manufactured by OKUMA. OKUMA is a well-known and trusted name in the electrical and electronic parts and product manufacturing industry. They’ve been in business for decades and have remained at the top of their game for many years. They marketed the 105-070005-01 PCB, and as can be expected, these are top quality products.

105-070005-01 Printed circuit board supports and connects electronic and electrical components. The board consists of layers of conductive and non-conductive material with pads, tracks and features etched into the copper layer. The thin copper strips are the conductive material and the other layers are fixed flat insulating sheets. When all connected and integrated, this makes up the PCB.

Category: SKU: 105-070005-01


Please contact Sunny for the best price.

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