3ASC25H208 ABB Pulse transformer

Product ID:3ASC25H208
ABB Type Designation:DATX 100
Catalog Description:DATX 100; Pulse transformer board
Long Description:DATX 100



Product ID:3ASC25H208
ABB Type Designation:DATX 100
Catalog Description:DATX 100; Pulse transformer board
Long Description:DATX 100


Country of Origin:United States (US)
Sweden (SE)
Customs Tariff Number:85371098
Invoice Description:Pulse transformer board
Made To Order:No
Minimum Order Quantity:1 piece
Order Multiple:1 piece
Quote Only:No
Selling Unit of Measure:piece
Product Net Weight:1.03 kg
Package Level 1 Units:1 piece

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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