3BHB009884R5211 power control device

3BHB009884R5211 High voltage inverter is a power control device, which mainly uses the on-off action of power

semiconductor devices to convert the power frequency power supply into another frequency of electrical energy.



3BHB009884R5211 power control device

3BHB009884R5211 High voltage inverter is a power control device, which mainly uses the on-off action of power

semiconductor devices to convert the power frequency power supply into another frequency of electrical energy.

This equipment is mainly used to control the speed of AC high-voltage motor, so as to realize the speed control of the motor.

Driven by modern power electronics technology and microelectronics technology, the high voltage frequency

converter has matured continuously and effectively solved the high voltage problem that was difficult to deal with in the past.


The 3BHB009884R5211 High voltage inverter has many advantages and characteristics, such as the multiplicity

of the rectifier circuit, the number of pulses, the high power factor, and the input harmonics are small. In addition,

the modular design makes the high voltage inverter compact, easy to maintain, and enhances the interchangeability

of the product. It can be directly high-voltage output without the need for an output transformer, while having an extremely

low dv/dt output without the need for any form of filter. The high voltage inverter also uses optical fiber

communication technology to improve the anti-interference ability and reliability of the product.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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