
3BHE027632R0101 Circuit board


The automatic detection technology of circuit board 3BHE027632R0101 is applied with the introduction of surface mount technology, and the packaging density of circuit board increases rapidly. Therefore, even for the density is not high, the general number of circuit board, circuit board automatic detection is not only basic, but also economical. In complex circuit board inspection, two common methods are the needle bed test and the double probe or fly needle test. According to the material characteristics of the circuit board 3BHE027632R0101 and a wide range of applications, in order to more effectively save volume and achieve a certain accuracy, so that the characteristics of three degrees of space and thin thickness better applied to digital products, mobile phones and laptops. Recommended for circuit board (FPC) 3BHE027632R0101 testing instruments are MUMA200 all-aluminum alloy optical image measuring instrument, three-axis automatic optical image measuring instrument VMC250S, VMC four-axis automatic optical image measuring instrument, VMS series optical image measuring instrument and so on.

Category: SKU: 3BHE027632R0101


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