
83SR04C-E GJR2390200R1411 GJR2390211R45 Input/output module


83SR04C-E GJR2390200R1411 Input/output module, also known as the control module, can output signals when there are control requirements, or provide a switching signal, so that the controlled device action, at the same time can receive the feedback signal of the device, 83SR04C-E GJR2390200R1411 to report to the host, is an important part of the fire alarm linkage system, input and output modules on the market can provide a pair of passive normally open/normally closed contact, used to control the controlled equipment, some manufacturers of the module can be set by parameter, 83SR04C-E GJR2390200R1411 is set to active output, corresponding to the dual input/output module, multiple input/output module and so on.

Category: SKU: 83SR04C-E GJR2390200R1411


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