VTR-5-PY DEIF Bridge wing indicator

The patented bridge wing indicators are specially designed to indicate information such as speed, pitch and rudder Angle.
These meters are based on microprocessor controlled X-coil technology, BRW-2 and BW dial designs DEIF uses a variety
of recommended standard dial designs, including dial designs for speed, pitch, rudder Angle, rate of turn and azimuth.


REF620E_F NBFNAAAANDA1BNN1XF  Feeder protection and control

The patented bridge wing indicators are specially designed to indicate information such as speed, pitch and rudder Angle.
These meters are based on microprocessor controlled X-coil technology, BRW-2 and BW dial designs DEIF uses a variety
of recommended standard dial designs, including dial designs for speed, pitch, rudder Angle, rate of turn and azimuth. High
digital precision, easy to read analog or display panel information DEF rugged night vision bridge meter series with high precision,
and meet or exceed international standards, can achieve a good amount of readability and accuracy


Analog indication: The XL Series’ proven X-series digital technology is highly accurate and the analog indication is easy to breach, and
it is based on DEIF’s patented microprocessor X-coil technology. The range is suitable for panel, ceiling and bridge wing installations and is
available in a variety of stock standard designs. Custom designs are available upon request
Display Panel based indication :XDi Series DEIF’s patented new liquid display instrument XDi series is the new benchmark in the bridge
instrument industry, providing high precision indication results based on liquid display. This compact, easy to install, versatile and user-friendly
transformation of bridge meters gives you greater flexibility. Allowing you to configure and repair replacements in the field, the XDi series
replaces mechanical dials and hands with high-quality display panels. DEIF always adheres to custom standards and always maintains type
approval for all relevant applications. The series is available in a wide range of sizes and with a gallery of dual or multi-indicator display panels.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto: sales@xiongbagk.cn
➱ Skype/WeChat: 18059884797
➱ phone/Whatsapp: + 86 18059884797
➱ QQ: 3095989363
➱ Website:www.sauldcs.com