301131 PILZ Security bus module

In the new domain controller + Vehicle Computer architecture, the vehicle computer (VC) will incorporate the

functions of the domain controller and its software control, while the ECU connected to the domain controller will

gradually evolve into a relatively standard sensor and actuator, and its practical applications and control algorithms

will run on the vehicle computer.



301131 PILZ Security bus module

In the new domain controller + Vehicle Computer architecture, the vehicle computer (VC) will incorporate the

functions of the domain controller and its software control, while the ECU connected to the domain controller will

gradually evolve into a relatively standard sensor and actuator, and its practical applications and control algorithms

will run on the vehicle computer. In this architecture, the complexity of the electrical and electronic architecture is reduced,

and the engineering design is also reduced. Instead of buying specific ECUs and software for each platform, Oems focus

the development and interaction of software applications on the vehicle computer, saving time and money.
However, the evolution of E/ towards domain controllers and vehicle control computers has put new bandwidth requirements

on in-vehicle communications, where domain controllers must collect data, process it and distribute it to the vehicle, rather

than decentralize processing in the ECU. The real-time requirement of communication between domain controllers makes the

data traffic transmitted through the on-board Ethernet. At the same time, in the subnet, the signal transmission will still be

done through the CAN/CAN FD/LIN/FlexRav bus. Information security must adapt to this mixed architecture.


1. Ensure safety through design
In the face of the growing trend of in-car connectivity, in hybrid in-car networks, security and updates should be guaranteed

by design – especially given the decoupling of hardware and software and the redefinition of much software. It becomes feasible

to centrally manage information security functions in a centralized on-board network, as well as to ensure the protection of the ECUs to which the domain controller is connected.
HSM is essential for complete Secure 0nboard Communication (SecOC), HSM helps to ensure the authenticity of all data received here, and
By bypassing the security-related ECU interface, an attacker gains access to the CPU and even the on-board network.

However, the challenges faced by centralized in-vehicle networks are not limited to this: whenever vehicle computers, typically

divided into multiple virtual machines, take over the software applications and functions of multiple ECUs, the demand for security

components also increases. A new generation of HSMS is also ready for this.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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