810-001489-016 Semiconductor PCB

LAM 810-001489-016 Semiconductor PCB Lam provides software products with advanced functions such as tool automation; Maintenance automation; Data management, analysis and visualization; Remote control; System diagnosis; The most advanced process and equipment control 810-001489-016 project-based services allow chip manufacturers to move equipment within or between fabs with predictable and OEM results



LAM 810-001489-016 Semiconductor PCB Lam provides software products with advanced functions such as tool automation; Maintenance automation; Data management, analysis and visualization; Remote control; System diagnosis; The most advanced process and equipment control 810-001489-016 project-based services allow chip manufacturers to move equipment within or between fabs with predictable and OEM results


LAM 810-001489-016 Semiconductor PCB Advantages: Provides flexibility, reduced inventory, And easy to upgrade support for multiple communication interface communication has built-in FactoryTalk View ME software to support including trends, expressions, data records, advanced graphics, direct browse logix address and other advanced features to provide keyboard input, touch input, keyboard touch dual input to provide user input convenience and flexibility Supports 1250 high-light display for outdoor installation with coated and Marine certified components that meet the needs of specific environmental conditions with field replaceable panels and backlight with a life expectancy of 50,000 hours, Reduced maintenance *** Comes with CompactFlash memory card slot for file transfers, recording data or system upgrades with complete package for quick uptime provides component level immediate replacement programs for reduced downtime Powerful graphics processing functions 810-001489-016

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto: sales@xiongbagk.cn
➱ Skype/WeChat: 18059884797
➱ phone/Whatsapp: + 86 18059884797
➱ QQ: 3095989363
➱ Website:www.sauldcs.com