IC220PBI002 Versapoint communication module

The maximum power is 8 amps. The current of the local bus UA is 500 mA. The required terminal block IC220TBK087 contains 10 terminal blocks. The Profibus system includes the ProFibus-DP network interface unit, connectors, DIP switches and leds. A set of interconnected VersaPoint I/O modules can be connected as slave modules on a Profibus-DP network. The VersaPoint Profibus-DP network interface unit is the interface between a network and a module. For modules, each station can have up to 176 bytes of input and output data IC220PBI002.



The IC220PBI002 is manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation and is part of the VersaPoint family. This is a PROFIBUS-DP network interface module. Data rate up to 12 megabits per second. The device supports serial communication. The device does not support firmware upgrade. 24 VDC Indicates the rated power input voltage. 19.2-30 VDC is the power supply voltage range. There may be 63 supported modules on this unit. There is no network support for digital LCD display on this module. No digital input or output.

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