IC670ALG330 field control module

The IC670ALG330 is a field control module. It has eight single-ended analog output channels that provide a 0-20mA output

current signal. The module has a built-in digital-to-analog converter with a 16-bit conversion resolution and a digital resolution of 0.3125μA per count.



IC670ALG330 field control module

The IC670ALG330 is a field control module. It has eight single-ended analog output channels that provide a 0-20mA output

current signal. The module has a built-in digital-to-analog converter with a 16-bit conversion resolution and a digital resolution of 0.3125μA per count.
The IC670ALG330 module requires an external power supply to operate, with a power supply range of 18-30VDC

and a nominal power supply voltage of 24VDC. The maximum current consumption of the external power supply is 250mA,

and all analog output channels produce 20mA output. Modules operate in a temperature range

of 0-55 degrees Celsius, with ground isolation ratings and 1500VAC lasting 1 minute and 250VAC continuous logic.


Each channel has a rated update time of 1.5ms (typical), while the minimum open circuit output current threshold is 1.0mA

and the maximum is 3.5mA. In practical applications, the module receives the engineering unit output Data Unit (BIU) from

the bus interface. Scale the data according to its calibrated and configured scaling parameters, and then convert the data

to an output current in the range of 0mA to approximately 20.48mA. If the scaled data is below the minimum limit of the

digital-to-analog converter, the module sets the output current to 0mA. If the scaled data is higher

than the maximum limit of the number, the module sets the output current to about 20.48mA.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto: sales@xiongbagk.cn
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➱ Website:www.sauldcs.com


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