8920-PS-DC Open Software releases a new version of eCOL PLM 9.5 cross-platform adaptation to create a secure and trusted digital R&D solution

With the digital wave sweeping the world at present, customer demand is more personalized, and industry competition is increasingly intensified, along with the national strategic call for the comprehensive construction of domestic information and innovation ecology, high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises' demand for PLM system continues to rise, but also put forward higher demands for its

9907-164 Direct control of air conditioning with GPT-4, Microsoft train-free approach allows LLM to move towards industrial control

With the maturity of large language model (LLM) technology, its application scope is expanding. From intelligent writing to search engines, the potential of LLM applications is being tapped little by little. Recently, Microsoft Research Asia suggested that LLM can be used for industrial control, and only a small number of sample samples can achieve better

9907-1183 Xiaomi ecological chain enterprises have established three new companies in a short period of time to lay out multiple robot tracks

Recently, Chase Technology has registered two new robot companies, respectively, Chase commercial robot (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Chase grass cutting Intelligent Technology (Suzhou) Co., LTD., which is also the second and third robot-related enterprises newly established in the past two months, the last one is engaged in intelligent pool robot research and development of Chase

9907-167 The six advantages of large family of collaborative robots make robot welding more efficient

In modern industry, metal materials have a wide range of applications, home appliances production, automobile manufacturing, aircraft and ships, etc., can not be separated from it. Welding is an important process in the process of metal processing, according to relevant statistics, 45% of metal materials are formed by welding processing products. However, in the actual

136188-01 Moze Electronics added 29 new manufacturer partners in the first half of 2023

On August 14, 2023, Mouser Electronics, an industry-renowned New Product Introduction (NPI) agent for ultra-rich semiconductor and electronic components, announced the addition of 29 new manufacturer partners in the first half of 2023, continuing to expand its product offering lineup. Mouze currently represents more than 1,200 manufacturer brands, offering an extremely wide selection of products